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Knutson Towboat Company's construction services consist of broad, general and specialized capabilities that range over general construction, marine construction, heavy industrial construction and fabrication, and other specialized capabilities. This is brief description of our construction services and resources ...

Key Benefits


Knutson Towboat Company is a general contractor. We routinely provide general contracting services to customers such as the US Coast Guard, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Weyerhaeuser, and other public and private sector customers.

Knutson Towboat Company is capable of providing marine related construction services including heavy crane, barge mounted crane, pile driving, heavy trucking, aggregate and lowboy trucking services, marine structure fabrication, and field construction crews.

For further information please contact Mr. John Knutson, President, Mr. Bryan Knutson, Vice President/Construction Manager, or Gene Cole at phone:  (541) 267.3195.

  Heavy Marine and Other Construction
Our dock facilities, barges, pile driving equipment, trucking resources, crews of experienced welders, fitters, mechanics and machinists, and other specialists make it possible for us to offer a broad range of construction related services.
  Pile Driving Equipment
Our pile driving capability includes drop, vibro, and diesel hammer capabilities.
  Crane Services
We offer a 60 ton crawler crane with up to 100 ft. boom availability. This may be provided for land or water borne using one of our barges. We offer crane services at the dock for marine maintenance and repair.
  Barge Services
We offer 3 barges with up to 450 ton capacity and 112 ft length/34 ft width. These may be provided for land based or water borne activities. Our barges posses anchor system and spuds to support pile driving, crane and other fixed operations on the water.

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Last modified: 08/03/12